Monday, June 22, 2009

माय रेस्पोंसे लैटर सेंत तो थे IRS

A letter I received From the IRS and my RESPONSE i sent back....

June 20, 2009 - Saturday
a letter from the IRS - Fun,Fun Fun, my response!

wow, my space just wiped out ALL of my typing, so I will try this again. My response letter to the IRS goes like this:

Dear disclosure officer or similiar,

I received a demand letter for tax return notice for the year 2005. In response to the letter that I received, I am requesting to see your records and inquire as to WHY you are asking me for this, also to WHOM, YOU will be providing it TO? On your franchise tax board privacy notice, which was included with your demand letter, 3rd paragraph, states that "you ask for return information so that you may administer the TAX LAWS, FAIRLY AND CORRECTLY". Here, I am making another request and ask that you provide me with the LAW, CODE NUMBER and STATUE , and EXACT Definition regarding "EARNED INCOME", "TAXABLE INCOME" AND "PERSONAL COMPENSATION FOR LABORS", as defined in your Tax Law Books. As I believe "PROFIT AND GAIN" IS WHAT DEFINES TAXABLE EARNED INCOME, and NOT compensation for wages of labor!

Please pardon me as I may be blunt, I have been unable to find ANYWHERE in the LAW that states that labor wages (meaning, I do 1 hour worth of work for you, and in return, I am given xxx amount of dollars for that one hour of my labors, no matter what that amount has been agreen upon between the parties) are taxable income. If you will please provide me with a copy of that law and the code, so that I too, may see and understand it, then I will be more than happy to provide you with your REQUEST.

Which brings me to my next case in point:
Stated on the tax board privacy notice that I must PROVIDE all REQUESTED documents, this too is:
as a request is merely asking me to do somethinga REQUIREMENT is PUNISHABLE BY LAW!
B) a REQUIREMENT would be against my 5th amended Constitutional right
"NO PERSON SHALL BE HELD TO ANSWER FOR A CAPITOL, OR OTHERWISE INFAMOUS CRIME, UNLESS ON A PRESENTMENT OR INDICTMENT OF A GRAND JURY, EXCEPT IN CASES ARISING IN THE LAND OR NAVAL FORCES, OR IN THE MALATIA, WHEN IN ACTUAL SERVICE TIME OF WAR OR PUBLIC DANGER, NOR SHALL ANY PERSON BE SUBJECT FOR THE SAME OFFENSE TO BE TWICE IN JEOPARDY OF LIFE OR LIMB; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
The above reference material can be found in the US CONSTITUTION.
C) I believe in asking me to PROVIDE YOU with records pertaining to the above mentioned, is asking for bookkeeping services, (so I must for the purposes of ***** make sure this understanding is perfectly clear) so, will this be on an hourly basis that I will be paid for my book keeping services or shall I expect to receive a contract to sign?

Included with this letter, I am sending the actual legal definitions for the tax purposes along with published appeal decisions regarding this exact issue.

If you have any further need to contact me, you may do so at the above enclosed address, as I do not have a telephone at this time.

Thank you for your time.Sincerely,Kimberly

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